Mt. Pleasant
South-Park Lake Isabella
Lake Isabella, MI
United States of America
Our meeting on August 19th will be the annual Rotary picnic at South Park-Lake Isabella at 6:00 PM. We will enjoy a potluck picnic and time together with our families and friends. There is also a playground and a beach area, and several Rotarians will bring pontoons for boat rides around the lake.
We will welcome Donata to our club and Dominic Thrasher will be our guest speaker for the evening reading one of his children’s stories. 
The club will provide: Hamburgers and hotdogs, table settings, and water
What to Bring:
You and your family or guest 
Any drinks you may want besides water 
Your dish to pass with a serving utensil
A swimsuit, sand toys, etc. if you wish to swim at the beach. 
If you have children’s life vests for pontoon rides or want them for the swim area. 
Here is the link to sign up for dishes to pass. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0F44A8AF2BAAFE3-50486717-2024